Rock. Paper. Scissors. Duck. Duck. Goose. Skyscrapers are looming. Food prices are extortionate. Hard work equals wealth and the system is not rigged. Royal Exchange Young Company presents SHOW ME THE MONEY.

6 theatre companies, formed of Makers, Writers & Performers, have been collaborating with each other and multi-award winning interactive and game theatre company Hidden Track to create 6 playable pieces of theatre on the themes of Money, Capitalism & Power.

The Young Company is the Royal Exchange Theatre’s, award-winning, resident Company of Young People aged 14-21.

WRITERS is a year-long programme for young creatives aged 16-21 interested in writing plays and reading scripts.

MAKERS is a year-long programme for young creatives aged 16-21 interested in the off-stage aspects of making theatre including directing, stage management, costume, producing, lighting, set design & more.

PERFORMERS is a year-long course for young creatives aged 14-17 and 18-21 interested in performing, acting, working in groups and trying out new styles of theatre.