Our safeguarding policy and guidelines recognises our duty to actively safeguard the welfare of all children and adults at risk.
This is a responsibility of every member of staff, including freelancers and volunteers, at the theatre. In order to achieve this RET has developed a policy and set of procedures to be followed by all individuals, whether they are directly employed by the company, engaged as freelancers on behalf of the company, or are volunteers.
This policy acknowledges that abuse exists and can present itself in many different forms including physical, emotional, neglect and sexual. It also acknowledges thaabuse can be perpetrated by anyone.The procedures outlined in this policy will allow all staff and volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific safeguarding issues
Online Abuse Guidelines Statement
We at the Royal Exchange Theatre love it when our audiences, our participants, our community engage with us, our work and activities.
And whilst we encourage you to share your thoughts, ask questions and engage in conversations, we simply ask that we all respect each other. We reserve the right to remove any posts that we consider irrelevant, offensive, hateful or disrespectful to our employees, our audiences, our participants, our community.
Any threats of violence, vandalism or harm against anyone in our online spaces or in our buildings will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police and/or local authorities.
It is never our intention to miss a comment that is abusive to anyone across our digital platforms so if there is one you’ve spotted and you feel hasn’t been dealt with, please do email us at comments@royalexchange.co.uk.